Zoning |
Code |
Primary use |
Consent use |
Single residential |
SR |
The purpose of this zone is:(1)to ensure healthy, safe and pleasant living conditions for single families living in separate dwelling units, and(2)to allow for limited opportunities for home-based economic activity, provided that the general character and amenity of the zone is not adversely affected.
Dwelling houseOccupational practiceSecond dwelling unitUrban agriculture |
Day care centreGuest accommodationDouble dwelling houseHouse shopHouse tavernRenewable energy structure |
Medium Density Residential |
The purpose of this zone is:(1)promote and regulate medium density residential development, such as group housing or town house schemes, and(2)to ensure that adequate provision is made for open space, community facilities, traffic circulation and parking.
Group housingTown housingRetirement villageOccupational practice |
Institutional buildingDouble dwelling houseFlatsRenewable energy structure |
High Density Residential |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for high density residential development, such as flats. Limited mixed-use development may be allowed with the consent of the Municipality. |
FlatsGroup housingTown housingRetirement villageResidential buildingOccupational practice |
Business on theground floorGuest accommodationInstitutional buildingHotelPlace of assemblyPlace of instructionDwelling houseDouble dwelling houseRooftop base StationRenewable energy structure |
Incremental Housing |
IH |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for upgrading of housing from informal settlements to formal settlements. In recognition of the realities of poor and marginalized communities, development parameters are not restrictive and local employment generation is encouraged within this zone. Once upgrading of an area has reached an appropriate stage, as determined by the Municipality, it is contemplated that the area may be rezoned to Single Residential Zone or another zone. |
Dwelling houseSecond dwelling unitOccupational practiceHouse shopShelterUrban agriculture |
Guest accommodationHouse tavernDay care centreDouble dwelling housePlace of instruction |
Business |
B |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for the establishment of mixed uses in business nodes and along activity streets. |
Business premisesFlats (provided that flats may only be provided above ground floor along a street boundary)Public parkingPlace of entertainmentRestaurantHotelGymnasiumFuneral parlourRooftop base station |
WarehousePlace of worshipGuest accommodationResidential buildingService tradeBottle storeSupermarketGambling machinePornographic entertainment businessPlace of instructionPlace of assemblyTransmission towerRenewable energystructure |
Local Business |
LB |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for a mix of uses in local business nodes and along activity streets, as well as for convenience stores. |
Business premisesFlatsPublic parkingRestaurantRooftop base station |
Service tradePlace of assemblyPlace of entertainmentPlace of instructionPlace of worshipFuneral parlourGuest accommodationHotelResidential buildingBottle storeTransmission towerRenewable energy structure |
Service business |
SB |
The purpose of this zone is to allow for the transitional area between business and industrial uses, and in particular for service trade, motor repair garages, and low impact, small-scale industry and manufacturing, factory shops and warehousing. |
Light IndustryService tradeMotor repair garageBusiness premisesWarehousePublic ParkingPlace of entertainmentRestaurantGymnasiumRooftop base station |
Place of WorshipPlace of InstructionScrapyard and salvage buildingsFlats (above ground floor)Transport usagePornographic entertainment businessTransmission towerRenewable energy structure |
Service station |
SS |
The purpose of this zone is to provide opportunities for petrol filling stations, service stations, motor repair garages and associated facilities.These have specific vehicle access requirements and potential negative impacts on the adjoining area.
Service stationRooftop base station |
RestaurantMotor repair garageShopTransmission towerRenewable energy structure |
Noxious Industry |
NI |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for industries which are noxious in terms of emissions, run-off, smell or solid waste storage or disposal, or for any other reason regarded as such and which carry a high risk in the case of fire or accidents. |
Noxious tradeSpray painting and motor vehicle body repair shopRooftop base station |
IndustryService tradeWarehousePublic parkingShopWaste disposal siteScrap yard and salvage buildingCrematoriumAquacultureRenewable energystructureTransmission tower |
Mining |
M |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for the extraction of minerals and raw materials and to allow for limited associated business operations. |
MiningRooftop base station |
IndustryNoxious tradeRenewable energy structureTransmission tower |
Civic and Social |
CS |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for uses directed at serving community needs related to education, religion, health, social interaction, and recreation. Some of these uses require only consent in zones such as business and service business. However, where it is considered that such uses may potentially have a significant impact on surrounding uses, in residential areas for instance, rezoning will be required. |
Place of instructionPlace of worshipInstitutional buildingPublic open spaceUrban agriculture |
Conference facilityCemeteryDwelling housePlace of assemblyRooftop base stationTransmission tower |
Authority Usage |
AU |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for such uses related to all spheres of government, which do not readily fall into any other use zone, such as prisons, military installations, electricity substations, etc. However, the general principle should be that land used by any sphere of government should be classified according to its use and not ownership. The zone also provides for the mitigation of the impact of such government uses on surrounding areas. |
Authority usageRooftop base station |
As may be determined by the MunicipalityTransmission tower |
Transport Usage |
TU |
The purpose of this zone is to reserve land for transportation systems, excluding private roads and public streets, but including all other transport undertakings such as airports, heliports, harbours, railway lines, bus depots, taxi ranks, cable car stations and modal interchanges. |
Transport usagePublic parkingRooftop base station |
Business premisesRestaurantWarehouseIndustryService tradeService stationPlace of entertainmentPlace of assemblyInstitutional buildingMotor repair garageRenewable energystructureTransmission tower |
Street |
S |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for public and private roads and streets, whether existing or to be constructed. |
Public streetPrivate roadPublic parkingPrivate parking |
Parking |
P |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for parking of operable motor vehicles on a temporary basis in order to meet a parking demand, with or without a fee. Such parking may be provided in buildings as well as open parking lots and may be privately or publicly owned. This zone should be used where only parking is required as a primary use and other uses need to be restricted. |
Public parkingPrivate parkingRooftop base station |
Transmission tower |
Nature Conservation Area |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for open spaces that are not actively used for recreational purposes, but form part of the visual amenity of an area and play an ecological or conservation role. Consent for limited tourism related uses may be granted in such zones. |
Nature conservationOne dwelling unitPublic open spacePrivate open space |
4x4 trailPlace of instructionTourist facilitiesHoliday accommodationRooftop base stationTransmission tower |
Open Space |
OS |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for active and passive open space and public spaces in urban areas. This may include spaces that are intensively landscaped (green) and which are used for recreational purposes, and which add to the amenity of an area, or spaces that may be used for a variety of community and commercial uses on a nonpermanent basis such as informal trading, periodical markets, con-certs or public meetings. |
Public open spacePrivate open spaceUrban agricultureRooftop base station |
CemeteryPlace of worshipPlace of assemblyCrematoriumInformal tradingInstitutional buildingPlace of instructionRestaurantBoat launching facilityTransmission towerContainer facility |
Resort |
R |
The purpose of this zone is to promote tourist and holiday facilities in areas with special environmental or recreational attributes so as to encourage access to these facilities by the general public. |
Holiday accommodationNature conservationOpen spaceConference facility |
Tourist facilitiesHotelTransmission towerRooftop base stationRenewable energy structure |
Agriculture |
A |
The purpose of this zone is to provide for and protect agricultural activities and viable agricultural units as an important economic, environmental and cultural resource. Provision is made for non-agricultural activities, in particular tourism related activities, so as to allow for the realisation of the optimum economic potential of agricultural properties, provided that these do not have a significant impact on the agricultural resource base. Environmental management plans should be required for tourism related uses, such as 4X4 trails, as well as other uses that may in the opinion of the Municipality have a potentially significant impact on the resource base.It includes:—(1)Harvesting, cooling, storing, sorting, packing and packaging of agricultural produce grown on that land unit and surrounding or nearby farms(2)Harvesting of natural resources limited to living organisms for delivery to the market(3)Agricultural buildings or infrastructure that are reasonably connected with the main farming activities, including a dwelling house, agricultural worker accommodation and rooftop base telecommunication stations(4)A camping site limited to a maximum of 10 tent or caravan stands subject to the development parameters applicable to 'tourist accommodation', provided further that a consent use must be applied for the following cases:(a)The property is smaller that 1Ha;(b)The property is situated within 1km of the high water mark of the ocean or a tidal river; and(c)More than 10 tent or caravan stands are applied for(5)Linear infrastructure(6)Agricultural industry; and(7)Does not include aquaculture, an abattoir, farm shop, animal care center, any mining activity, utility services and renewable energy structures for commercial purposes
AgricultureOccupational practiceDwelling houseIntensive horticultureIntensive animal farmingDwelling unit for use by bona fide farm managerFarm worker accommodation |
Second dwelling unitGuest accommodationFarm shopFarm stallRestaurantTourist facilitiesRiding schoolPlant nursery4x4 trailCommercial kennelsAquacultureService industryRooftop base StationTransmission towerRenewable energy structure |
Agricultural Processing |
AP |
The purpose of this zone is to make provision for the processing of agricultural products on farms or portions of farms where such processing may, in the Municipality's opinion, potentially impact negatively on the amenity of the surrounding area in terms of the size or intensity of the activity, but for reasons of efficiency these activities are best situated within an agricultural area, as opposed to an urban or industrial area. The use category “agricultural industry” has a different meaning to “agriculture” to protect the agricultural resource base and amenity of agricultural areas.It includes;—(1)An enterprise for the processing of agricultural products of which the majority of the products are sourced from that land unit and if not produced on that land unit, then from the land units farmed by the owners of the enterprise with a minority of the products sourced from the surrounding or nearby farms(2)Includes a winery, dairy distillery, the bottling of water, a sawmill; and
Agricultural industryAbattoirRooftop base station |
Tourist facilitiesFarm shopFarm stallAquacultureRenewable energy structureTransmission tower |
Smallholdings |
SH |
The purpose of this zone is to accommodate larger residential properties which may be used for limited agriculture, but primarily serve as places of residence for people who seek a rural lifestyle. Such properties often occur close to towns and villages and should only occur within a demarcated urban edge. Development of this type should conform to provincial policy on the establishment of agricultural smallholdings in the urban fringe. |
AgricultureDwelling houseSecond dwelling unitOccupational practice |
Guest accommodationTourist facilitiesRiding schoolPlant nurseryIntensive horticultureCommercial kennelsService industry |
Undetermined |
U |
The purpose of this zone is to enable the Municipality to defer a decision regarding a specific land use and development parameters until the circumstances affecting the land unit have been properly investigated; or until the owner of the land makes an application for rezoning; or a zoning determination is made by Municipality. |
Special |
SP |
The objective of this zone is to provide for circumstances where special or unique factors justify the creation of specific development parameters for a specific site or sites without justifying the creation of a new zone in this By-Law. In addition, it provides an opportunity to introduce collaboration between the Municipality and the owner/developer in the development process. It allows for unforeseen or special circumstances where it is not possible to accommodate the use or activity in an existing use zone, and it allows for innovative design, architectural styles, building forms and site layout. |
Special usage |
Any use specified by the MunicipalityRooftop base stationTransmission tower |
Sub-divisional Area |
SA |
The objective of this zone is to designate land where future subdivision and development rights are granted in terms of the Land Use By-Law and LUPA, as the case may be subject to conditions including the submission of a detailed subdivision application. |
Heritage Conservation Overlay Zone |
The heritage conservation overlay provides for the protection of the heritage resources in specific areas in the Cape Agulhas Municipality. As such the overlay zone is not so much concerned with the use of land, but the impact of land use changes, or any construction work, landscaping or any other action on conservation worthy resources such as historic buildings or streetscapes. The overlay zone provides for the legislation and management of such changes. |
Scenic Drive Overlay Zone |
The purpose of the Scenic Drive Overlay Zone is to protect, conserve and enhance the scenic resources adjacent to important tourist and transport routes. The visual amenity of specific routes in the Cape Agulhas Municipality is a significant resource that should be protected in order to ensure the quality of the environment as a whole, as well as promote the tourism and recreational potential of the Municipal area. It is therefore important that development, in particular along tourist routes, be managed to prevent development that may detract from the natural beauty of the landscape or cultural significance of the built environment. This zone is directed at protecting views of scenic beauty alongside designated roads, while at the same time allowing reasonable development to occur. The Scenic Drive Overlay Zone should therefore ensure that new development is managed in a sensitive manner so that important views from the scenic drive are not impaired. |
Urban Renewal Overlay Zone |
The purpose of the zone is to provide for development incentives so as to encourage investment in specific areas in the Cape Agulhas Municipality in accordance with the Integrated Development Plan, Spatial Development Framework, or any other Municipal policy. The overlay zone allows for the introduction of a variety of incentives to promote investment and development. |
Urban Edge Overlay Zone |
The purpose of this zone is:—(1)To demarcate the outer edge of urban areas in order to contain urban sprawl, promote densification within urban areas and to allow for the application of different development parameters in relation to rural and conservation areas beyond the urban edge;(2)To ensure a sensitive transition between urban areas and rural or conservation areas; and(3)To protect valuable natural, agricultural and rural landscapes and resources adjacent to urban development
Intermediate Housing Overlay Zone |
The Intermediate Housing Overlay Zone recognizes the reality that many of the residents of the Cape Agulhas Municipality do not live in permanent housing structures and that this situation is likely to persist for the foreseeable future, until housing delivery has caught up with demand for housing. The zone provides for areas designated by the Municipality where informal housing structures will be allowed, with a view to formalizing such areas over time. As such housing becomes formalised the overlay zone will no longer be applicable, but the zoning will now relate to the permanent use of the land. |
Dwelling houseSecond dwelling unitOccupational practiceHouse shopShelter |
Guest accommodationHouse tavernDay care centrePlace of instruction |
Local Area Overlay Zone |
The purpose of the Local Area Overlay Zone is to provide the opportunity for communities to determine specific local development management provisions to reflect local circumstances. It is recognised that different communities may have different requirements, and that local area identities add to the diversity and richness of the urban and social fabric. The Local Area Overlay Zone also provides the Municipality with the opportunity to determine specific local development management provisions to encourage development in support of the local economy. |